Thursday, May 3, 2018

How far I've come....

Last night I got a frantic phone call from a friend....Those dreaded words I heard myself just a few short years ago....Rhuematoid Arthritis. And her questions began. What is It? What does it affect? Am I going to be disfigured like my client who had it and passed away a few months ago? I'm scared...My Grandmother had this. They took 9 vials of blood. They are testing me for RA. And I let her talk...let her get it all out...let her let it sink in as she was saying those words. We talked for over an hour. I talked her off the first cliff, reminding her that 9 vials of blood means they are checking other things. Don't put the cart before the horse and let's see what the doctor says. What if it's RA? What will I Do? I told her, you will see my rhuematologist who is truly amazing and understands our fears, anger, sadness, tears...I assure her that I will be here to listen, love, laugh, and get pissed off with her at this disease if she should have it. She felt a bit better, but still is worried...understandably.
I spent time after that call, thinking about my own journey...fears, tears, anger, and sadness I too had and some days still do. I thought what if I had a friend that I could call and talk to for an hour, who would calm my fears. I did not have that one friend, but I do have a spouse and 3 daughters who have lifted me up, dried my tears, held me as I sobbed. But I realized I have that and much more...I have another entire family at Cresendio Bioscience,  Continuum Health, and my fellow Ambassadors who live this life everyday like I do. Recently we gathered, and I learned so much more about this disease. It isn't that you are diagnosed and that's it, NO,  it changes daily and you never stop learning.
I have a country wide support system that is just a message away. Yes, this disease robs you of so much and I would never wish this on anyone. I believe God places things and people in your life for a reason. I didn't want RD, but it has given me the chance to make a difference in one person's life, to listen, to encourage, to understand. May is arthritis awareness month....I have a feeling I'm going to have the opportunity to make many aware. 🤔😁
May your days be filled with uplifting thoughts and many blessings beyond your imagination. We get this one life, no matter what, use it.
Love to you all. ❤❤❤❤


  1. Wonderful words by a wonderful lady!
    Thank you,
    Joe Lindstrom

  2. It is a terrible thing to hear about at first. Then the words, you can live with this seem to come and those are the best words ever.
